Another Successful Project Build A Park

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer Leave a Comment


Once again, the Austin Parks Foundation and SEATAG (SE Austin Trails & Greenways) partnered with the office of Student Life at Austin Community College to host the 7th annual Project Build A Park.  For the third time, we worked at Country Club Creek Trail in SE Austin inside Guerrero-Colorado River Park to build more of the 1.5 mile trail, remove invasive plants and trees and pick up and haul away tons of trash and debris.  Over 370 students and friends and family member came out for two three hour shifts.



We spread 60 truckloads of road base (a combination of sand, gravel and rock), filled up two big roll-off dumpsters and cut down a variety of re-sprouted trees and bamboo.  The trail is looking really good now and there’s another 2 or more miles to build, but our thanks to Dot and crew from ACC Student Life, Malcolm, Jim and the gang of SEATAG and all of the volunteers who came out and helped out.  You made a huge difference in a single day.



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