APF is looking for volunteers and project leaders to support the Foundation’s 2013 It’s My Park Day on Saturday, March 2.
It’s My Park Day gathers thousands of Austinites every March to celebrate and improve their parks and public spaces throughout Austin’s neighborhoods. The annual event is APF’s largest single volunteer event of the year. In 2012, more than 2,000 Austin volunteers participated in more than 70 park-improvement projects across the city.
To support and lead this year’s projects, APF is seeking volunteers to host and organize park projects. APF provides the tools, food, additional volunteers and training leaders need to effectively complete their projects and enjoy their volunteer service. Small-grants are also available for additional tools and supplies.
Volunteers interested in leading projects leaders should register their project idea at thehere. Project leaders will receive orientation directly from APF staff in advance of It’s My Park Day.
Possible projects include the following and more:
- Mulching (APF will provide mulch)
- Invasive species removal
- Trail restoration
- Erosion control
- Tree pruning
- Park cleanup
- Wildflower planting
- Ecological restoration
A detailed list of projects and events will soon be available and frequently updated. In total, more than 70 parks will be included across Austin and Travis County. Project and event times will vary by site.
Volunteers will receive a special-edition 2013 It’s My Park Day t-shirt and lunch.