Hard Working Volunteers: Palm and Mayfield

AustinParksFoundationVolunteer, Parks Leave a Comment

Today we kicked off the fall volunteer workday season (ok, it certainly doesn’t feel like Fall out there right now) with a small volunteer workday at Palm Park to begin the process of spreading another 10 truckloads of soil (recycled from the Republic Square Park berms, I might add) and then the 8 truckloads of mulch.  We’re restoring an area that was a crumbling tennis court, which was removed earlier this year thanks to Texas Gas Service, but we want to get grass growing there later this fall and the 8 truckloads of soil spread earlier in the year aren’t enough.  So five of us spent a few hours out at Palm this morning spreading 1/10 of the total.  So, we’ll need more workdays or maybe some helpful landscaper with a bobcat or both.

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That's a lot of dirt to spread!

That’s a lot of dirt to spread!

I then went over to help our great volunteers Jerry and Nadene drag cut brush (ligustrums and other invasive trees) to a chipper that wasn’t cooperating too much (dull blades, jamming a lot) while a small team of eCorps working under an APF grant were wielding chainsaws removing more ligustrums.  Nadene and Jerry have done a fantastic job of removing invasives from 1/3 of the preserve and they are gearing up for more volunteer workdays in the coming weeks.

Thanks everyone![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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