Day 5: Grading / Berm work complete

AustinParksFoundationSpecial Projects, Parks Leave a Comment

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Looking south toward 4th St

Looking south toward 4th St

As of Friday, Dec 5th, the berm removal and rough grading work is complete.  the western berm (along San Antonio St) was completely removed and the the southern berm (along 4th St) was slimmed down considerably.  I’ve attached a few shots of the work.  Next up: irrigation, tree planting, path installation and more.

[/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”]
looking SW at 2 of the 3 Auction Oaks

looking SW at 2 of the 3 Auction Oaks


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