6/25: Great Public Spaces Summit

AustinParksFoundationPark Advocacy Leave a Comment

A CNU Central Texas Action Forum in partnership with American Planning Association Central Texas Section
Thursday, June 25 | 9 am to 5 pm | Mexican-American Cultural Center, 600 River Street

Entire forum + lunch: $40 • Lunchtime session (includes lunch) only: $20
Vegetarian option available.
Visit http://tiny.cc/ctapapublicspaces to register.
Email rachelproctormay@gmail.com with questions.
Click here to download the agenda

AICP CREDITS AVAILABLE! Participants are eligible for up to 7.25 AICP CM credits. Visit the registration area at the event to sign up.

Parks. Paseos. Gardens. Trails. Plazas. Bridges. Streetscapes. Promenades. These are the places that strengthen our identity, nurture our community, and make Austin great. But while the vision of an interconnected network of public spaces is clear, it is just as clear that we have a long way to go in order to fully realize it.

Great Public Spaces is a one-day action session to figure out what’s working, what’s not, and what we need to do in order to more quickly and thoroughly implement this compelling community vision. Architects, designers, city council members, trail-builders, community art promoters, neighborhood association activists, and others will share their expertise on the design and implementation of spaces in which the community can meet, mingle, and share. In addition to the on-stage panels, throughout the day we’ll ask all attendees to use the ideas being discussed to help us shape a policy agenda for future action. Drawing on national best practices and each others’ examples, we will strategize how to support each others’ efforts and together create a built environment that inspires.

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