Please Help Trees for Pease

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Cedar Elm Snapped in Two

Cedar Elm Snapped in Two

On Wednesday, August 12th, we experienced another freak windstorm (with little rain) that brought down over 70 mature trees at Pease Park along the Shoal Creek Greenbelt. This is the third storm in three years and because the canopy is mature with few new understory or newly planted trees, the effects are devastating.

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Another Cedar Elm near the playscape

Another Cedar Elm near the playscape

Despite our efforts earlier in the year of planting 100 new trees and a new irrigation system, the need for tree planting is now stronger than ever. Trees for Pease has announced plans to plant up to 220 trees and install irrigation this fall and winter and we need your help. At a price of $150 per tree with irrigation, we are looking for $33,000 for this next phase. Please consider a donation to Austin Parks Foundation with “Trees for Pease” in the memo line or visit our donor page and choose Pease Park Fund from the list of Special Funds.

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Parks Forestry Crew Picks Up the Pieces

Parks Forestry Crew Picks Up the Pieces


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