12/01/08: Republic Square Project begins

AustinParksFoundationSpecial Projects, Parks Leave a Comment

Day one of Phase 1A of the Republic Square Auction Oaks project began today. Some preliminary removal of irrigation system components began, along with the removal of the four street trees that we originally wanted to transplant, but due to their poor condition, will be replaced with eight native trees of various shapes and sizes in the eastern portion of Republic Square.

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Street Tree with crown removed.

Street Tree with crown removed.

Due to windy conditions, only one of the street trees was removed (we’re saving the trunks for use in an art project, the rest of trees – crown and branches, will be mulched on site) but we’re hoping that the rest of the trees will come down tomorrow. Berm removal on the San Antonio St. should begin tomorrow as well, with the soil being recycled and used over at Waterloo Park.

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bucket loader sits atop berm to be removed as part of project

bucket loader sits atop berm to be removed as part of project


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