Several of the newly planted and transplanted trees
Beginning late last week, tree transplanting and planting began. Enviromental Design moved two good sized “understory” trees from their locations on the edge of the former western berm over to the eastern side of the park and SunGrow, our primary contractor, began the planting of the first four of eight replacement trees in the same area. The first four to go in are big in 150 gallon sized containers and are a great native variety.
In addition, our Auction Oaks experts, Bartlett Tree Experts, came out and recommended that we do another air spade application around the central auction oak as it has gotten somewhat compacted since the work was done in August. On the plus side, Matt from Bartlett reported that he saw 6 inches of new growth on the tips of all three auction oaks, which means that they are responding well to the air spade, compost and mulch applications.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]