7/18 Zilker Volunteer Day – thanks to our 80 plus volunteers

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Mulching at Rock Island

Mulching at Rock Island

Over 80 volunteers came out to the Zilker Great Lawn (formerly known as the Soccer Fields) to help spread lots of mulch and clean up the curbs and sidewalks along Lou Neff Road.  It was a bit cooler than our first workday on 7/11.  We have one more volunteer workday scheduled for 7/25.

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Dusty Mulch in the Shade

Dusty Mulch in the Shade

Thanks to all of our great volunteers – with one more workday on Sat, 7/25, the Austin Parks Department can hopefully open the Zilker Great Lawn to the public soon.  Our tremendous thanks to Larry and the rest of the Parks Dept. team for their help and good organizational efforts in making the first two workdays run as smooth as we hoped.

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View toward Downtown

View toward Downtown


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