Auction Oaks Project Update

AustinParksFoundationSpecial Projects, Parks Leave a Comment

Part one work in progress update: Bartlett Tree Experts have uncovered all four street tree root collars using their air spades and digging Monday and Tuesday. All of the trees are extremely root bound, meaning while they haven’t grown into the berms (good), they are less desirable candidates for transplanting.

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Street Tree showing extreme root-bound area!

Street Tree showing extreme root-bound area!

So, we’re going to be working with TBG Partners, our other vendors and the Parks department to determine the best plan of action. We’ll keep you posted. (also last week, Parks Forestry Crews pruned the Auction Oaks, we installed the construction fence and a good informative sign detailing the project on site.

In the meantime, we’re recording the work in progress and posting the photos on flickr – click on the photos to the right….[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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