Barton Springs Trees Get Boost, Fund Set Up

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For Immediate Release:  April 28, 2009           

Media Contact:

Charlie McCabe, Austin Parks Foundation

512.477.1566 ext 2


Barton Springs Pool Trees To Get Boost from Austin Parks Foundation

(Austin, TX)— The Austin Parks Foundation today announced a pledge of $100,000 for planting trees in and around the Barton Springs Pool area.

The recently released Barton Springs Pool Tree Assessments report paints a dire picture of the health of the trees in this area, raising citizen concerns about trees being cut down. “We’ll be sad to see any of the trees removed,” said Charlie McCabe, Austin Parks Foundation (APF) Executive Director. “Regardless of the city’s decision, planting more trees now will ensure the long-term arboreal beauty of Barton Springs.”

The pledge announcement also marks the establishment of a Barton Springs Tree Care Fund for planting in and around the pool at Zilker Park. Community members and businesses are asked to contribute in order to fund more care for trees in Austin’s Parks.

Austin Parks Foundation has led recent efforts to revitalize other parks with older trees, including completing the first phase of the Republic Square Auction Oaks project. APF provided treatment for the three century-old Auction Oaks, and replaced several that had died or had to be removed due to their poor condition.  At Pease Park, APF partnered with Trees for Pease to plant 100 trees and install irrigation.

Many of Austin’s older parks and greenbelts are facing similar issues as the tree canopy ages without successor trees being planted.  Only recently has the City Parks Department begun to plant more trees, working in conjunction with TreeFolks, Austin Parks Foundation and other volunteer groups. More than 2,300 trees were planted in the recently ended planting season, a significant increase over previous years.

“We need to do even more to ensure the future of our trees,” said McCabe and added that, “Planting new trees, as well as pruning and tending older trees are all needed to combat the effects of compacted soils, drought and severe storms.”

To make a tax-deductible donation to the Barton Springs Tree Fund, visit or mail donations to:

Austin Parks Foundation

816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1680

Austin TX 78701

Please write “Barton Springs Tree Fund” on the memo line.

About Austin Parks Foundation

Austin Parks Foundation has been protecting and preserving 209 Austin’s parks by connecting people and resources to park improvements since 1992. In 2008, Austin Parks Foundation funded 26 grants totaling $200,000 for park projects and is currently working with more than 40 community groups who have adopted parks. Last month, over 2,500 volunteers worked on 60+ projects throughout Austin Parks on It’s My Park Day, which was created to inspire community-wide public service focused on park improvement.

 For more information, visit

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