Tree Planting at Shipe Park

AustinParksFoundationParks, Special Projects, Support Our Parks Leave a Comment

Thanks to Austin Energy, we’re getting some trees planted in two parks as mitigation for Austin Energy projects that resulted in removal of trees close-by. One is Shipe Park, the other is Pease Park. The trees at Shipe have all been planted and here’s a picture of the crew, plus volunteer Jack Nokes and dog Petey. Our thanks to APF …

Auction Oaks @ Republic Square Project in Statesman

AustinParksFoundationSpecial Projects, APF News, Parks Leave a Comment

In the Saturday, November 24th edition of the Austin American-Statesman, Sarah Coppola writes about our upcoming project to restore the Auction Oaks area of Republic Square. Read the story here. Not mentioned directly in the story but I do want to point out is the great work of TBG Partners, especially TBG Partners principal Daniel Woodroofe and great help from …