Thanks to Pearson, Dell employees

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer Leave a Comment

Over 70 volunteers from Pearson and Dell joined Kyle and Charlie from the Austin Parks Foundation, along with Parks staff John and Matt (wielding chainsaws and cutting up lots of big stuff) out at Zilker Access on Barton Creek Greenbelt on Friday to build better more compact windrows as well as haul out big logs for chipping. Despite the rumble …

Get Austin Moving Campaign Looking for Volunteers

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From our friends at the Get Austin Moving (Proposition 1) Bond Election Campaign (The Austin Parks Foundation is one of many supporters of Proposition 1) Get Austin Moving is a group of citizens working to pass this important bond package.  We are very excited to have an opportunity to approve $90 million in bonds for transportation projects that will include completing the Trail at …

Trinity Trails in Fort Worth

AustinParksFoundationVolunteer, Visits to / From Other City Parks Leave a Comment

Charlie is attending the International Downtown Conference in Ft. Worth Sat-Mon with our friends from the Downtown Austin Alliance (presenting a session on Republic Square on Monday morning) and managed to get out a see a portion of the 60 plus miles of the Trinity Trails network yesterday and is hoping to slip out again this afternoon.  Here’s a few …

Austin City Limits Music Festival’s Impact on Austin Parks

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer, Austin City Limits Music Festival Leave a Comment

2010 marks the fifth year that the Austin Parks Foundation has benefited from ticket sales to the Austin City Limits Music Festival. Since 2006, we have received $2.34 M targeted towards park improvement projects. Among the projects completed or underway are: $400,000 for improvements to Republic Square, including tree care and planting, berm removal, irrigation and grass installation and design and construction …

Thanks to our volunteers and sponsors

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It was hot, it was sweaty, it was tough work, but we’re grateful to our 300 plus volunteers for coming out and helping us get rid of a few thousand invasive trees of the ligustrum, chinaberry and nandina variety! A heartfelt thanks to our partners Hill Country Conservancy, EarthShare of Texas, REI, American Youthworks E-Corps, Greenbelt Guardians, Austin Ridge Riders, …

3 Locations for Barton Creek Workday

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer Leave a Comment

Just a correction of our remainder email today stating only one of the three locations for tomorrow’s workday – there are three – in addition to Zilker Access, there’s SpyGlass Access with the Greenbelt Guardians and New Wall Trail work with the Central Texas Mountaineers.  If you show up at the wrong one, we’ll re-direct you, we apologize for this …

300 plus people working at Barton Creek Greenbelt tomorrow!

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer Leave a Comment

Tomorrow is National Public Lands Day and we have 300 plus volunteers coming to remove invasives, repair trail tread and well, remove more invasives.  The weather is looking good (cool front won’t be arriving until mid-afternoon) so we’ll see you out there! If you haven’t signed up, please come to Zilker Access (just south in the same parking lot at …

Thanks to the over 130 volunteers at Zilker this week

AustinParksFoundationVolunteer, Parks Leave a Comment

Over 130 volunteers came out on Thu, Fri and Sat mornings to help us shovel, haul and spread mulch under another 100 or so trees.   Meantime, arborists continue to perform root zone invigorations on 90 trees, they nearly halfway done with the work and given our recent rains (including a rain shower early this afternoon), we’re hoping that the …