Eggstravaganza at a Distance: Egg-free Easter Ideas

AustinParksFoundationChildren's Programming, 
, APF News, Blog Page, Little Hummingbird Society Page, COVID-19, Easter 2020

Hey y'all! Though the city’s parks may be closed for Easter weekend, there are still some great ways to have fun without leaving your neighborhood! Be sure to check out our Neighborhood Eggsploration and Bunnies On Parade blogs for more Easter fun!

While we are all being good neighbors and only purchasing what we need, we thought now would be the perfect time to use items you can find in your backyard or neighborhood, instead of using eggs, for your living room “egg” hunt. Below you’ll find a list of supplies, as well as decoration ideas to make some new traditions and lasting memories.

Egg-citing Substitutions

You don’t have to dye eggs to make this weekend a success. Try sprucing up some of the following items and decorating your front porch, balcony or living room. Or hide them around your house and yard!

From the yard

  • Rocks
  • Pine cones
  • Fallen fruit
  • Acorns and nuts
  • Large leaves

Around the House

  • Tennis/ping pong/golf balls
  • Christmas ornaments
  • Recyclable containers like soda cans, spice bottles, and jars - best part, they double as candy holders just like plastic eggs!
  • Create papier mache eggs out of paper (like newsprint) and balloons like this.
  • Foods you could peel and still eat like potatoes, apples, bananas, oranges, garlic, onions, etc.
From the Store - decorate or hide as-is!
  • Plastic eggs
  • Candy

Beautifying Your Finds

Below are some great ways to decorate the items above with craft supplies you may already have on hand.  Check out some of these classic egg patterns for inspiration!

  • Use tempera (water-based paints) on canvas, wood, fabric, paper, papier mache, poster board, rocks, leaves, fruit, pine cones, nuts, and temporarily on glass, plastic, and aluminum, and anything you are  fine with having to scrape paint off, or being a little stained forever

  • Use  oil-based paints or permanent markers on surfaces like canvas, wood, paper, rocks, leaves, acorns, and anything you don’t plan to eat, or are fine with being decorated forever

  • Use washable markers on canvas, wood, fabric, paper, papier mache, poster board, and rocks

  • Try melting old crayons over heat-resistant objects like this

  • Glue bits of paper, glitter, yarn, pieces of scrap fabric or trim, ribbon, googly eyes, pom poms or natural scraps like fruit peels, seeds, or acorn caps to larger items using hot glue

  • Try using the egg dye you’ve already purchased on other items for a fun experiment in porous and non-porous surfaces

You're ready for your Eggstravaganza at a Distance!

However you choose to spend this weekend, please follow the City's Parks & Recreation Department guidelines and stay away from parks. The more we can stay physically distant from each other, and common spaces, the more we will protect our community.

Photo credit:

1. Featured painted rock photo by Tulip Color

2. Rocks photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

3. Art supplies photo by Arren Mills on Unsplash