New in 2018

AustinParksFoundationAPF News, ACL Music Festival Grants, Volunteer Leave a Comment

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New Programs Coming to A Park Near You

As we dive into 2018, APF is proud to announce new programming that will help us serve you and our parks in new and deeper ways. From our brand new Design Services program, brought to you by APF’s own Landscape Architect – Katie Robillard, PLA, to a great new way to get involved with APF’s outreach efforts our Ambassador program, we hope you’ll join us in making 018 another great year for parks.

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Design Services


Austin Parks Foundation is thrilled to offer design services for Park Adopter groups that are looking to make improvements to their parks.  Whether you are looking for a little guidance with an on-site consultant or you need help with long range planning, we are now offering a range of design resources that will help you with your favorite park’s design needs. The program is divided into three levels, depending on the needs of your park. Applications will be available in February 2018.

  1. General Park Consultation: Katie will meet your park adoption team at the park to do an on-site consultation and provide you with guidance for next steps.  Any park improvement project or idea is eligible for these consultations, so whether you need advice on dealing with a drainage issue, or want insight on the best spot for a new amenity, Katie can help! 
  2. Park Design Assistance: This category is intended to help park adopters prepare their park improvement project for our grant applications and construction with a fully designed plan for the new amenities being proposed. 
  3. Park Master Planning and Visioning: In this most in-depth service Katie will lead the design visioning process and guide neighborhood and pocket park groups to create a master plan that will serve as the adopted plan for the park. From concept designs to public input, this process will allow park adopters to submit a fully realized master plan with grant requests, improvement proposals, etc. 
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APF Ambassadors


In an effort to expand our outreach to the community, APF is now accepting applications for our brand new Ambassador program. This program provides a unique and meaningful volunteer experience that allows residents to play a role in helping strengthen our city’s park system.  Ambassadors are trained volunteers who act as key representatives for Austin Parks Foundation. As an Ambassador, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Expand APF’s outreach and participate in community events across the city, allowing us to address needs and invest appropriate resources in diverse parks and green spaces all over Austin
  • Increase awareness about Austin Parks Foundation and our work
  • Assist APF in increasing volunteer reach throughout the city

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