Williamson Creek Greenbelt Central

AustinParksFoundationVolunteer, Parks, Adopt A Park, Park Advocacy, ACL Music Festival Grants Leave a Comment

Neighbors of the greenspace at Emerald Wood and South 1st have been working on improvements to their park for a long time – even though their park didn’t even seem to have a name! At long last, they have a sign officially indicating the area’s status as parkland.

Williamson Creek sign

In the past few years, neighbors have cleaned tons of trash out of the creek, removed invasive trees and plants, raised funds and installed a picnic table (an APF grant project), planted and watered trees, and most recently, added landscaping and a butterfly garden (also partly funded by an APF grant).

We’re really impressed with the dedication of the whole Southwoods neighborhood, and especially Nicole Sanford who has volunteered countless hours and taken the lead on much of this work. You can see some pictures of the volunteers in action here.  Way to go Southwoods

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