Wooldridge Square – Giving Big Trees a Big Boost

AustinParksFoundationSpecial Projects, Parks Leave a Comment

Last week, Bartlett Tree Experts began work to prune one tree and perform their Root RX on ten additional trees at this square which just celebrated its 100 anniversary as a park in June.

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One of the treated trees with the completed Root RX work

Root Rx involves using an airspade to break up the soil 6 inches down and ten feet out from the trunk – without hurting the roots, then add compost into the tilled soil and then a 4-6 inch layer of new mulch on top.  The purpose is to de-compact the critical root zone and give each of these heritage trees a chance to promote new root growth.  We did this work at Republic Square on each of the three Auction Oaks there and it has had a tremendous effect.    We also have a similiar project at Brush Square for the big Oak Tree between the O Henry and Susanna Dickinson Houses there.

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Close up of a treated Oak

Four more trees need to be done and there’s also some additional soil treatments to be completed.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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