Zilker Great Lawn is open

AustinParksFoundationParks, Special Projects Leave a Comment

After a press event for the Zilker Medians Project – the rejunvenated and replanted center medians of Barton Springs Road from S. Lamar Blvd to Barton Creek, I went over and checked out the reopened Great Lawn.

Upper part of Great Lawn, looking northeast

No, its not as green as it was, but despite the cooler weather, it is greening up nicely.  There are a few muddy areas where the water drains and collects and those (about 1 acre total) will be resodded in the spring. (Please stay out of the muddier areas – as we say in mountain biking  – just say no to mud.)

Upper Lawn, looking southwest (toward Stratford Drive)

The “higher elevations” of the Great Lawn seem be recovering quicker than the lower lying areas.  The parks dept aerated the much of the site as well.


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Lower Area, facing east




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