Zilker Park Vision Plan: Shape the Future Development of Austin’s Favorite Park

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Zilker Park is one of the best known and most visited parks in Austin, yet has remarkably never had a comprehensive vision plan. The Zilker Metropolitan Park Vision Plan is now underway to plan for the future of the park’s 350 acres, and we need you to share your thoughts and opinions about what you’d like to see in the park!

 Zilker is a Metropolitan Park, which means it's for all of us! The park is intended to serve the whole city, unlike smaller neighborhood parks. That means you should weigh in! Do you like to visit Zilker Park? If so, what do you love about it and what do you wish the park had? If not, why don’t you? What would you inspire you to visit and what would you like to see in the park?

Here are just a reasons we love Austin's crown jewel so much:

1. For over 15 years, APF has been the charity beneficiary of ACL Music Festival, taking place in Zilker Park each fall. These funds benefit the entire park system!

Since 2005, more than $41 million has been generated from the festival for the benefit and improvement of Austin's parks. ACL Fest contributions have gone into signature park improvements and development all across Austin with targeted investments in underserved communities.

Through the ACL Music Festival Grants Program, we are able to fund community-initiated park renovations and improvements in parks across the city. A full list of these investments can be found HERE.

2. Together, ACL Fest and APF have been investing in Zilker Park for decades.

Since 2010, APF and ACL Fest have provided over $18M in funding, design, construction, programmatic and operational support specifically for Zilker Park. We funded the installation of the Great Lawn irrigation, are supporting the Barton Springs Bathhouse rehabilitation project and new this year, we are launching and operating the Zilker Eagle mini-train (a $1 million investment that will directly benefit parks with the proceeds).

We’ve also contributed to maintenance, improvements and planning at the Austin Nature and Science Center, Zilker Botanical Gardens, Umlauf Sculpture Garden,  Zilker Hillside Theater, McBeth Recreation Center and more!

3. Zilker is home to some of Austin's best events!

From Blues on the Green, to weekly pick up and league sports games, Zilker Park is the perfect spot to meet your fellow Austinites and get active. Plus, we provide financial support for community events happening in Zilker like Kite Festival and Trail of Lights. We love Zilker and we know you do too, so help us plan for its future and take action today!

Here's How You Can Get Involved:


Complete the Zilker Vision Plan Survey to provide your thoughts about what types of activities and amenities should be in Zilker.


Sign up for the Zilker Vision Plan e-news to learn about the next public meeting in October and additional updates.

Ready to Take the Survey?

The Vision Plan Survey is an important piece of the process, and the consultants need to hear from you! If you're ready to take the survey, but aren't sure what to say - use some of our pre-written responses and make them your own! Once you know what you'll say visit the Vision Plan website to start the survey and share your voice.

Try something like one of the pre-written comments below:

Comment 1
“I use Zilker park for (fill in your favorite activity) and often visit the (insert location, eg botanical garden, great lawn). I would like to see the future of Zilker Park be welcoming to people throughout the City and include active recreation opportunities and programming like soccer, volleyball, frisbee, picnicking, kayaking, running, and bicycling.”
Comment 2
“Events are one of my favorite things about Zilker. My family attends (insert name of event(s) eg, Kite Festival, Blues on the Green, Summer Musical at the Hillside Theater, ACL, Trail of Lights) each year.”
Comment 3
“I hope that the plan will solve parking issues. No parking should be removed from the park until a funded parking plan is in place that provides easy, affordable access to park amenities for visitors coming from all areas of Austin. The plan should also add safe active transportation connections and transit access. I would also like to see an expansion of the Zilker Eagle mini train be used as a people-mover, amusement ride, and educational opportunity to tell the stories of Zilker.”