Celebrate Earth Day with APF!

AustinParksFoundationVolunteer, Parks, Support Our Parks, APF News Leave a Comment

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Austin Parks Foundation is gearing up for a great Earth Day with events all over town from April 20th through April 22nd.  If you join us, be sure to go green! Ride your bike, carpool and be conscious of your consumption – together we’ll support the only planet we’ve got! Read on to see how you can join in.


April 20th – Fern Gully at Palm Park

Join us for a special Earth Day installment of our all-1992 season of Movies in the Park. Bring the whole family to learn about the importance of Earth’s rainforests in this animated tale of adventure featuring Robin Williams. Be sure to RSVP to the Facebook event and invite your friends!

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 April 21st – Give 5% to Mother Earth

All your favorite Austin businesses are banding together to give 5% of their sales back to local green organizations like yours truly! Check out the full list of businesses on the Give 5% website, and pick a few to patronize on Friday 4/21. Our CEO, Colin Wallis, will also be traversing the city on two wheels alongside Hill Country Conservancy’s George Cofer. You can follow their Earth Day adventure on our twitter account and Instagram story, or join them and tag along. See participating businesses.

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April 22nd – Mulching at Zilker Park

Join us to celebrate two happy occasions – Earth Day AND Zilker Park’s 100th Anniversary! We’ll be showing the trees of Zilker a little TLC with a fresh coat of mulch. Join friends, neighbors and tree huggers alike for a very special mulch project. RSVP here.

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April 22nd – Giveback with Flower Child

Flower Child believes a better world starts from within, and there is no better way to fuel your body and your soul then by nourishing it with happy, healthy food straight from Mother Earth.

This Earth Day, Saturday, April 22nd, Flowers Child is donating 100% of proceeds from their Mother Earth Bowl to Austin Parks Foundation. We know you’ll be hungry after mulching all hose trees, so grab a healthy bite that gives right back APF!  Details here.


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