Migratory Bird Day: How APF Funded Projects Help

AustinParksFoundationCommons Ford, ACL Music Festival Grants, Support Our Parks

Grant projects over the years have helped improve migratory bird habitats

Each year, migratory bird species in Austin fly south for the winter, seeking warmer temperatures. Our very own mascot, the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, is one of the many species that participates. Also included, the famous Mexican Free-tailed bats, which flock from under the Congress bridge.

Just like ourselves, these birds call Austin home, even if it’s only for part of the year. Improving green spaces helps all residents of Austin, migratory birds included. Over the years, Austin Parks Foundation has supported many projects that have resulted in improved wildlife habitats. Check out a few of them:

Prairie Restoration at Commons Ford Metro Park

A 2016 grant has led to the restoration of prairie lands in Austin, which many migratory birds depend on.

Increase in Wildflower Meadows Across Austin

2016 and 2017 neighborhood grants have improved and increased wildflower areas in Austin. These areas offer food and shelter for birds.