Two parks, multiple projects. Let’s dive into the improvements that Austin Parks Foundation and PARD have facilitated in these green spaces over the last few years!
Little Walnut Creek Greenbelt
This improvement project started back in 2018 when the Pecan Springs/ Springdale Neighborhood Association, in collaboration with the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department, initiated the vision plan for this undeveloped space (206 acres of hilly, wooded areas) through the National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program and local design firm, Asakura Robinson. The vision plan was approved in 2019.
During the vision plan process, priority projects were identified thanks to community input. At the top of the list: access, trails and a play space. In 2019, APF led the effort to implement the first trailhead on Springdale Road, with support from the St. David’s Foundation and other partners. In 2020, APF granted the Pecan Springs – Springdale Neighborhood Association a design services grant. Through this grant, APF was able to help the neighborhood association develop the preliminary design and layout for the play area and trails to guide the first phase of implementation.
Throughout 2021 – 2023, APF and PARD held virtual community meetings, finalized the design documentation, obtained permits and secured funding for Phase I to begin construction.
Over the years, APF has continued to work towards more access through trail improvements (new and old) and the new play space is expected to be completed in spring 2025!
What will the trail system look like?
The trail network will consist of both newly constructed trails and improvements to the existing network. In addition to enhancing trails in the southern portion of the greenbelt, APF has also closed unsafe and eroded trails with funding from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
What will the play space look like?
As you enter the trailhead on Springdale Road, you’re met with the option to take natural or paved trails that lead to many seating options, a large lawn, a climbing boulder, the play structure (swings, climbing wall and spinners!), a dog park, fitness stations or the play lawn. This space is all connected with a concrete loop and has preserved the existing tree canopy. This project is expected to be completed in spring of 2025.

Courtesy of the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department
Walnut Creek Metro Park
Over the years, APF has helped to improve Walnut Creek Metro Park with projects such as trail improvements, basketball court resurfacing and restoration work.
In 2023, we awarded a $2,500 grant to Walnut Creek Metro Park stewards to cover an area of park denuded by the 2023 ice storm with first-grind mulch. It’s My Park Day volunteers were able to help spread the mulch and begin the restoration process.
Our third court renovation with the San Antonio Spurs “Play ATX” initiative was completed in March 2024. The basketball court at Walnut Creek Metro Park was resurfaced, new baskets, new benches and lighting were installed.
We’re continuing ongoing improvements at Walnut Creek Metro Park while also keeping our eye on the future of the park. In 2024 – with PARD’s help – we unveiled the Walnut Creek Metro Park Unified Stewardship Plan. The plan aims to increase collaboration at park sites with active community groups to make the park better for everyone!