Barton Springs Trees – The Next Steps

AustinParksFoundationCity Budget, Parks, Support Our Parks, Special Projects, Park Advocacy Leave a Comment

As you have probably read, the city is planning on only cutting down three trees out of the original 28 planned, with 2 more that need further investigation.  The remaining number will be pruned, soil treated and other improvements, including removal of planters, retaining walls, fencing off some of the treated trees to keep the soil uncompacted.  The city has …

Eastwoods Park Trail taking shape

AustinParksFoundationParks, Special Projects Leave a Comment

A new granite gravel and pervious concrete trail is taking shape at Eastwoods Park, just north of the UT campus.  Funded by funds through an agreement with the Concordia development, Weigelt Enterprises is constructing the trail, designed by the Parks Planning group, under contract with the Austin Parks Foundation and overseen by the neighborhood association.  Several sections, like this one …

Tall Flowering Plants @ Shoal Creek Demo Plot

AustinParksFoundationSpecial Projects, Parks Leave a Comment

In October 2007, we installed 9 demonstration restoration plots to see if we could plant with native flowers and grasses areas that had been heavily used by folks enjoying the park.  We tilled soil, added compost and other treatments and spread seed.  By then, the drought, which continues to this day, hit Central Texas.  Results have been somewhat promising in …

Barton Springs Trees Get Boost, Fund Set Up

AustinParksFoundationSpecial Projects, APF News, Support Our Parks, Parks Leave a Comment

For Immediate Release:  April 28, 2009            Media Contact: Charlie McCabe, Austin Parks Foundation 512.477.1566 ext 2   Barton Springs Pool Trees To Get Boost from Austin Parks Foundation (Austin, TX)— The Austin Parks Foundation today announced a pledge of $100,000 for planting trees in and around the Barton Springs Pool area. The recently released Barton Springs Pool …

48 Trees Planted at Sheffield/Northwest Park

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer, Special Projects Leave a Comment

Today Allandale residents and volunteers planted 48 trees at Sheffield / Northwest Park.  This was a reward for taking 2nd place in the habitat challenge sponsored by the City’s Parks department through the Keep Austin Wild program.  TreeFolks donated 48 trees and the Austin Parks Foundation paid for a new irrigation system.  The Parks Department’s Forestry group – namely – …

New Fence at Palm Park

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer, Special Projects Leave a Comment

Palm Park, also known as Sir Swante Palm Park, in downtown Austin, is an east side of downtown park that was cut off from its neighborhood when 1-35 was built. We at the Austin Park Foundation, together with our great partners, Texas Gas Service (TGS), have been working to start rehabilitating some portions of the park in the last year. …

Statesman Article On Pease Park

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer, APF News, Adopt A Park, Special Projects Leave a Comment

Today, Pam LeBlanc wrote a follow-up piece on Pease Park, an area where the Austin Parks Foundation as well as our Adopt-a-park group, Trees for Pease, have put in a lot of work in the past few years and especially, the past few months.  Among the new improvements are irrigation, 100 new trees, we also spread dillo dirt and mulch …