Lots of Ways to Volunteer in the next few weeks…

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We have quite a few volunteer events coming in the next 30 days and we definitely need volunteers and especially, volunteer leaders for our big events on Nov 1 at Barton Creek Greenbelt and Nov 8 at Country Club Creek Trail @ Guerrero-Colorado River Park. Details and Sign-ups are on our volunteer page. Oct 18: 9 am to noon – …

2nd Austin Oyster Adventure Race: Great Fun

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The Austin Parks Foundation was the beneficiary for a second year of the Austin Oyster Adventure Race.  Team Sage/Team Player Productions of Denver, CO is running a series of six Oyster races in Denver, San Francisco, Nashville, Seattle, Austin and Portland, OR this year and the foundation helped lay out the course, recruit the 50 plus volunteers needed to run …

Red Bud Isle Visitors Lift Their Limbs…

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Over the past two weeks, volunteers lead by Nadene Morning as well as American Youthworks E-Corps have been removing more invasive (non-native) trees on Red Bud Isle.  As a result, over 95 percent of the invasives have now been removed, but the amount of brush piled up along the trails was huge.  Thanks to a few signs encouraging park users …

Hard Working Volunteers: Palm and Mayfield

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Today we kicked off the fall volunteer workday season (ok, it certainly doesn’t feel like Fall out there right now) with a small volunteer workday at Palm Park to begin the process of spreading another 10 truckloads of soil (recycled from the Republic Square Park berms, I might add) and then the 8 truckloads of mulch.  We’re restoring an area …

Auction Oaks @ Republic Square Restoration Project About to Start…

AustinParksFoundationSpecial Projects, Volunteer, Parks Leave a Comment

We want to let you know about an Austin Parks Foundation project that we are about to kick off at Republic Square Park at 5th, Guadalupe, 4th and San Antonio Sts. downtown that involves some restoration and rehabilitation for some old and threatened trees – the Auction Oaks at Republic Square. We’ve been working with the Republic Square Partners group …

Williamson Creek Greenbelt Central

AustinParksFoundationParks, ACL Music Festival Grants, Park Advocacy, Adopt A Park, Volunteer Leave a Comment

Neighbors of the greenspace at Emerald Wood and South 1st have been working on improvements to their park for a long time – even though their park didn’t even seem to have a name! At long last, they have a sign officially indicating the area’s status as parkland. In the past few years, neighbors have cleaned tons of trash out …

2nd Annual Nightcrawler attracts over 70 volunteers

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On Friday June 6, REI, Austin Parks Foundation, American Youthworks E-Corps, the Austin Ridge Riders and over 70 volunteers gathered to do volunteer work for National Trails Day – the night before.  We cleared out and leveled a big berm of soil (and a few big trees) that has been deposited over the years just south of the Lamar Blvd …