Rain and Volunteer Thanks…

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With rain failing from the sky on this Friday evening, I’m hoping that the volunteer workday out at Turkey Creek Trail @ Emma Long Park doesn’t get rained out, but if it does, at least we’re getting some of the wet stuff. We need it. While I’ve been working out at Gus Fruh Trail @ Barton Creek Greenbelt the last …

Tree Work & Trash Pickup on Country Club Creek Trail

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer Leave a Comment

We’re half way into our second of three weeks of tree work on Country Club Creek Trail. Carl and Jose of Natural Texas have removed lots of invasive trees, including Chinaberry trees and old hackberries that were so rotten that they were held up by green briar vines alone! I’m spending a few hours every few days picking up trash …

Friends of Turkey Creek workday, 1/12/08

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer Leave a Comment

On Saturday, Jan 12, 2008, volunteers from the Friends of Turkey Creek assembled to continue their work to improve portions of this popular off-leash dog friendly hiking trail. Led by Glenn Gadbois and Emma Long Park Manager Alberto Perez, we built the second half of a natural rock retaining wall at the firt crossing, improved the walk down to the …

Tree Work at Country Club Creek Trail

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer Leave a Comment

Austin Parks Foundation is funding tree work along the Country Club Creek Trail, running from Kreig Fields at Guerrero-Colorado River Park south to the trailhead at S. Lakeshore and Pleasant Valley Road. We’ve hired Carl Brockman of Natural Texas to use his forestry mower to remove invasive (non-native) trees – especially Chinaberry – as well as some bamboo and a …

Upcoming Volunteer Days in January

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Ok, 2008 is here and it’s time to volunteer and we have 8 projects this month. So, pull out your hiking boots, water bottle and gloves and come on out and pitch in at one of these events. Jan 5: Bull Creek Greenbelt Trail (Bull Creek Foundation) Jan 6: Walnut Creek Metro Park (Austin Ridge Riders) Jan 12: Turkey Creek …

275 volunteers at Country Club Creek Trail on Sat, Nov 17th!

AustinParksFoundationVolunteer, Parks Leave a Comment

The sixth annual Project Build A Park, presented by Austin Community College Office of Student Life together with the Austin Parks Foundation was a tremendous success! We had the help of over 275 volunteers on Sat, Nov 17! Amazing! We could not have done this without the incredible help and support from the following: -from SEATAG (Southeast Austin Trails & …

Oct 28 – Austin Oyster Adventure Race

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On Sunday, October 28th, 38 teams of 3 people competed in the first Austin Oyster Adventure Race. Developed and produced by Team Sage Productions of Denver, Colorado; Austin is the fourth city to host the race (Denver, San Francisco and Seattle being the others.) Austin Parks Foundation is the non-profit beneficiary (yeah!) and we helped with over 30 volunteers at …

Planting at Brush Square, Downtown Austin

AustinParksFoundationVolunteer, Parks Leave a Comment

On Sat, October 20th volunteers from the Friends of Brush Square, Austin Parks Foundation, the Hilton Hotel and the Austin Fire Department Station #1 came out and planted 19 trees (18 yaupon holly trees, 1 wax mrytle) and 15 crossvine plants and spread 16 cubic yards of mulch in our next effort to revitalize Brush Square. All of the plants …