Old Lampasas Dam Open Workdays

Taylor WisemanKeep Cool, Parks, Support Our Parks, APF News, People + Parks, Blog Page

This month we have TWO Open Workday events (2/3 and 2/9) – and they’re both taking place along Upper Bull Creek Greenbelt near the Old Lampasas Dam Trail.

If you haven’t heard, the City of Austin’s Old Lampasas Dam Modernization Project is in full swing. This project aims to replace the damaged primary outlet, improve the dam spillway, and modify the shape and elevation of the embankment. 

So how do our Open Workdays fit in? Great question!

During these projects, we will collect natural materials (think logs, rocks, etc.) for Austin Parks and Recreation Department’s Nature Play and Loose Parts Lending Kits Program.

Why are Nature Play materials important? Nature Play has been identified as a priority for Austin residents in the Parks Department’s Long Range Plan. APF has been working in partnership with PARD’s Cities Connecting Children to Nature Initiative to bring more nature play, green infrastructure and nature-based programming to parks across Austin, particularly where there might be a lack of access to these opportunities. 

The Old Lampasas Dam Open Workday events allow APF to help in clearing the area around the dam while contributing to Nature Play in the city.

Open Workday 2/3

Volunteers spent time harvesting rocks and branches for future Nature Play parts. We have another chance to volunteer at Old Lampasas Dam, you can register for the event on February 9th here.