The Ultimate Recycled Benches

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer, ACL Music Festival Grants Leave a Comment

Our friends of SEATAG (that’s the Southeast Austin Trails and Greenways Group) who have designed and built the (so-far) 1.5 mile Country Club Creek Trail practice the ultimate in recycling.  They taken three huge concrete slabs, dumped at the park at one point and hauled them to beautiful spots along the trials under some of the bigger trees and working …

Tree Work & Trash Pickup on Country Club Creek Trail

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer Leave a Comment

We’re half way into our second of three weeks of tree work on Country Club Creek Trail. Carl and Jose of Natural Texas have removed lots of invasive trees, including Chinaberry trees and old hackberries that were so rotten that they were held up by green briar vines alone! I’m spending a few hours every few days picking up trash …

Tree Work at Country Club Creek Trail

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer Leave a Comment

Austin Parks Foundation is funding tree work along the Country Club Creek Trail, running from Kreig Fields at Guerrero-Colorado River Park south to the trailhead at S. Lakeshore and Pleasant Valley Road. We’ve hired Carl Brockman of Natural Texas to use his forestry mower to remove invasive (non-native) trees – especially Chinaberry – as well as some bamboo and a …

275 volunteers at Country Club Creek Trail on Sat, Nov 17th!

AustinParksFoundationParks, Volunteer Leave a Comment

The sixth annual Project Build A Park, presented by Austin Community College Office of Student Life together with the Austin Parks Foundation was a tremendous success! We had the help of over 275 volunteers on Sat, Nov 17! Amazing! We could not have done this without the incredible help and support from the following: -from SEATAG (Southeast Austin Trails & …