Today, the Austin City Council voted 7-0 to send the $90 M transportation bond ballot item to the voters on Tuesday, November 2, 2010. $52 M will go for road projects, while $38 M will go no non-road projects, including sidewalks, bike lanes and trails, including the 1.1 M boardwalk which will close the gap on the trail at Lady …
Advocate for Completing the Lady Bird Lake Trail!
There is some good news for Trail (@ Lady Bird Lake) users: Completing the Trail with the Riverside Boardwalk is now on the project list for the planned November 2010 bond election. Please email the Task Force members now at and let them know: It is time to Complete the Trail. The transportation bond package as a whole will reduce …
2 Statesman Articles of Note: 6/28/10
Wanted to note in that the Austin American Statesman today (6/28/10) there are two pieces to note: 1) Pam LeBlanc wrote about the challenges of the City Parks Staff to keep up with the trash and maintenance efforts on Barton Creek Greenbelt. (You can help by getting ready for our next big volunteer workday on Barton Creek Greenbelt on September 25th- …
Boardwalk Trail Plan Passes
On Thursday, March 5th, the Austin City Council voted 7-0 to approve the conceptual plan of the Boardwalk Trail, a project to fill a 1.3 mile gap in the Trail around Lady Bird Lake. This moves the project on to the detailed design phase. The city and its consultants will continue to work with the stakeholders and present monthly updates …
Please Support the Boardwalk Trail Conceptual Plan
On Thursday, the Austin City Council will consider the Boardwalk Trail Conceptual Plan as item #10 on their agenda. At 9:30 am, we will participate with the Trail Foundation, BikeTexas and other supporters in a press conference in front of City Hall. Please come out and support the trail by attending and then registering your support on the kiosks in …