Current Park Adopters


The success of our parks system depends on the support, assistance, advocacy and enthusiasm of the public as stewards of their parks. As Adopt-A-Park leaders you are those stewards. In partnership with the Austin Parks & Recreation Department (PARD) and Austin Parks Foundation (APF) our goal is to build community pride and ownership around every neighborhood park in Austin starting with yours!

Park Adopters serve as key community representatives for their park, encourage engagement with neighbors and park users, and ultimately bring greater innovation and creativity to the park system.


The success of our parks system depends on the support, assistance, advocacy and enthusiasm of the public as stewards of their parks. As Adopt-A-Park leaders, you are those stewards. In partnership with the Austin Parks & Recreation Department (PARD) and Austin Parks Foundation (APF), our goal is to build community pride and ownership around every neighborhood park in Austin starting with yours!

Park Adopters serve as key community representatives for their park, encourage engagement with neighbors and park users, and ultimately bring greater innovation and creativity to the park system.

APF Resources for Current Adopters

APF offers funding, educational and volunteer resources to current adopters. Use the main navigation, or the links below to learn more about how Austin Parks Foundation can help make your park dream a reality!

Other Resources for Current Adopters

The City of Austin, the Parks & Recreation Department and other local environmental orgs also offer many resources outside of APF's programs.


Q: Which parks are available for adoption?

A: Most City of Austin parks are adoptable, however a few exclusions apply - currently undeveloped parks and metropolitan parks are not available for adoption. If you’d like to adopt a greenbelt or nature preserve, please submit an interest form or contact Visit our map of adoptable parks.

Q: What if the park I'm interested in is not eligible for adoption?

A: We would still like to talk with you about stewardship opportunities and resources APF can provide! Please reach out to to get the conversation started.

Q: Who can adopt a park?

A: Ideal adopters are regular park users, neighborhood groups and nearby residents who are interested in improving their park. Businesses are not eligible to adopt a park.

Q: Why should I adopt my park?

A: Above all, park adopters enjoy a sense of pride in championing their parks! PARD considers park adopters key stakeholders and provides opportunities and support for volunteer maintenance and park improvement projects. Additionally, park adopters have access to resources provided by APF such as access to our tool warehouse, educational opportunities like our Parks Summit, and park funding opportunities like our ACL Music Festival Grants and Design Services.

Q: What kind of commitment is expected?

We work with groups of all sizes, but we do require that groups be as representative of the park users, neighbors and stakeholders as possible - as opposed to just an individual. We want park adopters to have an ongoing presence in their park, whether that be via ongoing volunteerism through events like It’s My Park Day, adopter-led volunteer workdays throughout the year or simply bringing people together to activate and celebrate the park and build community. Park adopter groups should always be open to anyone who may want to join as time goes on. If you have any questions about this or would like help in building an inclusive and diverse group, please reach out to to get the conversation started.


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