Austin Parks Foundation (APF) is pleased to announce our Fall 2023 ACL Music Festival Grant awards to parks across Austin! A total of $205,600 in grants will fund improvements and amenities identified by community members.
Neighborhood Grants ($500 to $5000):
Parque Zaragoza (78702, City Council District 3)
$5,600 for shade tree installation around the playground
Community Impact Grants ($5000 and above):
Dottie Jordan Neighborhood Park (78723, City Council District 1)
$50,000 for a shade structure over the playground
Elisabet Ney Museum (78751, City Council District 9)
$25,000 towards the new Restoration Master Landscape Plan
Clarksville Community Garden & Haskell House (78703, City Council District 9)
$27,000 to establish a freedmen’s colony heritage food garden, interpretive plan, bamboo eradication and garden improvements
Roy G. Guerrero Colorado River Metro Park (78741, City Council District 3)
$88,000 for nature trail installation and maintenance
Armadillo Neighborhood Park (78745, City Council District 5)
$10,000 for poison ivy and invasive species removal
In addition to the above grants, APF awarded four grants totaling $18,050 during summer 2023 that are in progress or completed:
PEAS/Cunningham School Park Community Garden (78745, City Council District 5)
$5,000 for garden repairs and improvements
Walnut Creek Metro Park (78753, City Council District 7)
$2,500 for mulch to resurface areas damaged by the February 2023 winter storm
Gus Garcia District Park (78753, City Council District 4)
$8,550 to repair the Gus Garcia Community Garden rainwater tank
St. David’s Community Garden (78702, City Council District 1)
$2,000 for a perimeter fence
ACL Music Festival Grants Program
The goal of the ACL Music Festival Grants Program is to expand the reach of Austin City Limits Music Festival’s generosity. Community Impact Grants are designed for large-scale, community-initiated park improvement projects from $5,000 and up. These funds are meant to enable Park Adopters, park stewards, community gardeners and other park stakeholder groups to make significant improvements to their local parks, trails and green spaces. Neighborhood Grants are designed for smaller-scale projects and range from $500 to $5,000.

Dottie Jordan Recreation Center Park Adopters

Alderbrook Pocket Park
Austin Parks Foundation also offers Park Design services, intended to provide design options to Adopt-A-Park groups and other community stakeholders, and are in complete coordination with the City of Austin’s Parks & Recreation Department. APF currently has three Park Design services offerings: General Park Consultation, Detailed Design Services and Overall Park Planning.
In June 2023, APF awarded Overall Park Planning design service to Jamestown Neighborhood Park. This roughly 3 acre lot in District 4 was recently acquired by the City of Austin and remains largely undeveloped. Austin Parks Foundation, in partnership with the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department, will work with the community to develop a Concept Plan for the park that meets the needs and desires of the surrounding neighborhoods and will guide future park development.
Additionally, APF will provide Agave Neighborhood Park in District 1 with Detailed Design for trail connectivity and nature play. Friends of Agave Park applied for this design service which will provide the group with design, feasibility and preliminary cost estimating for the community’s desired improvements.
For more information about the ACL Music Festival Grants Program, please visit