St. John Park Transformed

AustinParksFoundationRibbon Cuttings - Annual Report 2019, Featured Projects (Home Page), Special Projects
, Impact Grants, APF News, Completed Projects (Our Impact), ACL Music Festival Grants

Austin Park Foundation’s First-ever ACL Music Festival Impact Grantee St. John Park underwent a complete redevelopment after receiving Austin Parks Foundation’s inaugural ACL Music Festival Impact Grant of $100,000 in 2017. The Northeast Austin project broke ground in November of 2018, and APF is thrilled to have officially opened the park to the public with a ribbon cutting on Wednesday, …

Group under new shade structure at Gullett School Park with a thank you banner

Project Playback: Shade Structure at Gullett School Park

AustinParksFoundationNeighborhood Grants, Project Playback, APF News, People + Parks, Completed Projects (Our Impact), Featured Parks

Austin Parks Foundation helped fund the new shade structure at Gullett School Park, in partnership with the Adopt-A-Park group, the Gullett PTA.  Premiering with a ribbon cutting ceremony last week, the shade structure over the playground at Gullett Elementary now allows kids to play year-round. The Gullett PTA, which is also the Adopt-A-Park group for the park, saw how the …

Opening of Republic Square

Republic Square Named 2018 Best Public Place

AustinParksFoundationAPF News, Completed Projects (Our Impact), 2018 Success Stories

The Austin District Council of the Urban Land Institute (ULI Austin) named Republic Square as the 2018 Best Public Place last week! Given at the annual ULI Austin Impact Awards, this distinction is awarded to a completed public space that adds value to the community through its adaptability, frequency of use and magnetic quality. ULI Austin is an organization that …