Brush Square – 4th St Work Continues

AustinParksFoundationParks Leave a Comment

I must admit that I’m a little surprised at how much the construction of the new curbs, “great streets” sidewalk and tree area is taking out a chunk of Brush Square along 4th St. Cap Metro’s contractor assures us that everything will look better and we’ll end up with a better park. Unfortunately, due to a host of irrigation issues …

REI Shoal Creek Clean-up

AustinParksFoundationParks Leave a Comment

Thanks to Courtney and Beth – Outreach Coordinators at REI for hosting another clean-up on lower Shoal Creek (roughly from 12th to Town Lake Trail) Lots of stuff, but enviro-girl was out there sporting a green wig and a purple cape.  Lots of bags of trash as the picture shows and thanks to REI and their volunteers for continuing to …

Tree Planting at Shipe Park

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Thanks to Austin Energy, we’re getting some trees planted in two parks as mitigation for Austin Energy projects that resulted in removal of trees close-by. One is Shipe Park, the other is Pease Park. The trees at Shipe have all been planted and here’s a picture of the crew, plus volunteer Jack Nokes and dog Petey. Our thanks to APF …