Park Pollinators: Meet Cynthia Rodriguez

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Our tagline is people + parks, and we take that to heart. We know the people we work with, both inside and outside the office, are what make this organization successful, and we’re proud of the team we’ve put together. Each of us is committed to making Austin’s parks, trails and green spaces great for each and every Austinite. Read up on this month’s featured APF staff member, and stay tuned for more throughout the year!

Name: Cynthia Rodriguez


Community Organizer & Outreach Coordinator

What She Does:

Cynthia has a unique position here at APF as she is partially an employee of the Go Austin/ Vamos Austin (GAVA) coalition. Her work centers on community outreach in the 78744 and 78745 zip codes to let people know about APF’s resources and programs (like the ACL Music Festival Grants Program, the Tool Warehouse, and our volunteer events), as well as how they can become invested park stewards through the Adopt-A-Park program. She also works with neighbors in these zip codes on how they can advocate to city council, and other key stakeholders, for more funding and improvements to their parks.

Time at APF:

2 years

Favorite park:

Mary Moore Searight Metro Park
“Mary Moore Searight Metro Park. The park has so many amenities including a fantastic disc golf course, playground, volleyball courts, and a creek. But my favorite activity is running the trails at sunset. The trail is always so peaceful and green. I also see deer nearly every time I go, which is also a special treat.” 

Favorite thing about being on the APF Staff:

“My favorite thing about APF is getting to know our many park adopters and volunteers. We have such dedicated park stewards in our community, and I love learning about the work they are doing all over the city and learning from them, as well. I work closely with the adopters who are participating in the GAVA coalition in 78744 and 78745; it has been especially inspiring to see the impact that these groups are having on the parks and green spaces in their communities.”

Favorite park memory:

“I’ve lived in Austin on and off since 1998, so I have quite a few! My top three favorites include night-time kayaking on Town Lake with my husband to watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July, the one (and only) time I ran Town Lake in its entirety, and watching Ryan Adams perform at the very first ACL Music Festival.” 

Fun Fact:

“My life revolves around my two 13-year-old dogs. Their favorite park is Garrison Park.”

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