APF + Spurs team up for Play ATX

Susan SeleskyFeatured Parks, austin-city-limits-music-festival, Blog Page, ACL Grants Landing Page, Austin City Limits Music Festival, ACL Music Festival Grants, South Austin Parks (Featured), East Austin Parks (Featured), Press Release, Featured Projects (Home Page)

In celebration of Spurs Week in Austin, Spurs Give and Austin Parks Foundation (APF) are donating nearly $500,000 to launch “Play ATX”, a multi-year program dedicated to renovating parks and basketball courts throughout the city of Austin.  Dove Springs District Park On Tuesday, April 4th, the program tipped off with a ribbon-cutting of the newly renovated basketball court at Dove …

Walnut Creek Metro Park and Little Walnut Creek Greenbelt: A Tale of Two Walnuts

Taylor WisemanParks, Support Our Parks, APF News, People + Parks, Blog Page

Two parks, multiple projects. Let’s dive into the improvements that Austin Parks Foundation and PARD have facilitated in these green spaces over the last few years! Little Walnut Creek Greenbelt This improvement project started back in 2018 when the Pecan Springs/ Springdale Neighborhood Association, in collaboration with the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department, initiated the vision plan for this …

ACL Music Festival Grant Awards Announced

Taylor WisemanParks, Support Our Parks, APF News, People + Parks, Blog Page

Austin Parks Foundation (APF) is pleased to award our latest ACL Music Festival Grants to parks across Austin! These grants help to fund improvements and amenities identified by community members and park adopters. These grants are in addition to the millions that APF invests in our parks each year. Using ACL Music Festival funds, APF awards two types of grants: …

It’s My Park Day Fall 2024 Recap

Taylor WisemanParks, Support Our Parks, APF News, People + Parks, Blog Page

THANK YOU! Y’all (3,337 of y’all to be exact) came together to make our parks, trails and green spaces BETTER. It’s My Park Day proves time and time again just how beloved Austin’s parks are. It’s My Park Day Impact: The impact from these projects extends well beyond a Saturday morning in the park.  This fall, we had 90 projects …

2024 ACL Music Festival Community Impact Grant Awards Announced

Taylor WisemanSupport Our Parks, Parks, APF News, People + Parks, Blog Page

Austin Parks Foundation (APF) is pleased to announce our latest ACL Music Festival Grant awards to parks across Austin! So far this year APF has granted a total of $85,500 to fund improvements and amenities identified by community members and park adopters. These grants are in addition to the millions that APF invests in our parks each year. Using ACL …

We did it! FY25 City Budget includes big wins for parks funding

Taylor WisemanCity Budget, People + Parks, Park Advocacy, Blog Page, Advocacy

THANK YOU! Thanks to all of our efforts, Austin City Council voted in favor of a FY25 Budget that includes 16 new full-time positions for park maintenance, 4 new full-time positions for homeless encampment response within park maintenance and the creation of a land acquisition fund! This is a major win in our effort to ensure that we have a …

Support Increased PARD Staffing in our City Budget

Susan SeleskyBlog Page, Advocacy, Park Advocacy, City Budget, 
People + Parks

Austin Parks Foundation and other outdoor organizations are sensitive to the nature of this budget year being tight and have respectfully limited our PARD budget ask to the most pressing, equity-centered and community-supported needs. Like in years past, PARD’s most pressing need for the FY25 budget is adequate staffing to maintain parks, recreational and cultural centers, and pools. We ask …

Rosewood Neighborhood Park + Central Texas Juneteenth Park Festival

Taylor WisemanParks, Support Our Parks, APF News, People + Parks, Blog Page

Rosewood Neighborhood Park: a place to gather, play, laugh and learn. The history within the park is evident with the Henry G. Madison Cabin and beautiful artwork on the Eastlink Pillars. All of these factors played into Daniel Thomas and Antony Jackson taking it upon themselves to adopt Rosewood Neighborhood Park in March.  Both Daniel and Antony, grew up in …

32 Years of People + Parks

Taylor WisemanParks, 
People + Parks
, Support Our Parks, APF News, People + Parks, Blog Page

We’re celebrating 32 years of People + Parks🎉 “In 1992, park advocates, recreationalists and environmentalists came together to raise community awareness of the parks in Austin. Many long-time Austinites had seen the city’s park system deteriorate in recent years. The Austin Parks Foundation was born.” That’s from our first Report to Contributors that went out in 1996. This was our …