State Legislators Debate Funding for Parks

AustinParksFoundationParks, Support Our Parks, APF News, Park Advocacy

Bills Propose Sporting Goods Sales Tax Be Directed to Parks as Intended Up at the Capital, legislators are considering bills (SB 26, SJR 24, HJR 39, and HR 1214) that would amend the Texas Constitution to ensure that sales tax collected from the sale of sporting goods is dedicated to Texas State Parks and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department …

Community Budget Forums: Austin Parks Need Your Help!

AustinParksFoundationPress Release, City Budget, Support Our Parks, APF News, Park Advocacy

Our parks and Austin Parks Foundation need your help! The City of Austin’s annual budget process is kicking off with a series of community budget forums hosted by City Commissions throughout March. Commissioners will hear what’s important to the public, and how we’d like to see funding prioritized in next year’s city budget. They will then incorporate the feedback into recommendations …

People + Parks: The Amplifier

AustinParksFoundationPark Advocacy, Parks, People + Parks, Adopt A Park, Community Grants, Volunteer, 
People + Parks

By Elizabeth McGuire We’ve all heard this before: one person can make a difference. But really, how? One person can make a difference because one voice can amplify others. One person can inspire dozens. One effort can snowball into action and eventually lead to change. This is how our community improves. So goes the philosophy of Sally Baulch, who has …

grateful for Austin

Feeling Grateful for a Great Year for Austin’s Parks

AustinParksFoundationCity Budget, APF News, People + Parks, Park Advocacy, 2018 Success Stories

2018 proved to be a great year for parks advocacy! Park advocates and APF Board and staff worked hard on issues like the 2018 bond development and election, Austin’s annual budget, raising the profile of parks issues for City Council candidates, and more. In the spirit of gratitude and giving thanks – here’s a look back at all we were …

Vote yes on propositions B & C!

Vote Yes on Propositions B & C!

AustinParksFoundationNews Coverage, Parks, APF News, Park Advocacy, Education

Most of us are familiar with the high profile races being decided in the upcoming election, but did you know that voters will also be deciding whether or not to approve funding for capital improvements in city infrastructure? This year voters will have the choice whether or not to support $925 million dollars in investment in city infrastructure spread out …

run with APF's marathon team

Run with Team APF 2019

AustinParksFoundationSupport Our Parks, APF News, Fitness, Park Advocacy Leave a Comment

APF is proud to have been selected again as an official charity partner of the 2019 Austin Marathon! That means we need people like YOU to run with us and help us cross our fundraising finish line. Our goal is $10,000 and we hope you’ll join us in supporting our parks, trails and green spaces. Whether you join us for …

APF CEO in front of Austin City Council for new budget

City Passes New Budget with Increased Funds to Parks

AustinParksFoundationUncategorized, APF News, Park Advocacy

Austin’s Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) is set to get much-needed funding! City Council formally adopted the new budget for next fiscal year on Tuesday, September 11th. This includes recommendations from City Manager Spencer Cronk and additional funding for recycling in parks and building maintenance. All told, there’s nearly $12.5 million in additional funding for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-2019 compared to FY …

The Invisible Benefits of Parks

AustinParksFoundationParks, Support Our Parks, Park Advocacy

Greenspace exists as a place for reflection, recreation and a cross section for nature and urban life. Aside from the physical benefits of open space, there are invisible traits that make greenspaces worth valuing. We’re talking about mental health and green-ness. The connection between the two seems unlikely, but park-space plays an undeniable role in our happiness, community, and well-being. …

Parks Could Receive $149M in Bond Funding through November Ballot

AustinParksFoundationAPF News, Park Advocacy

At their June 28th meeting, City Council voted to move forward and put multiple bond propositions on the ballot in November! Read on for the details, and be sure to check out the video re-cap below. Council approved a resolution directing the City Manager to come back with ballot language which they’ll look over in August. During their discussion, Council …