People + Parks: Future Philanthropists

People + Parks
, Volunteer, Impact Grants, It's My Park Day, Adopt A Park, People + Parks, Parks

By Elizabeth McGuire If you ask Anissa Castillo what she remembers about volunteering with her young family at the last It’s My Park Day, she will talk of quality time, life lessons and good citizenship. If you ask her kids what they remember, they will say, “digging in the mulch and jumping on rock piles!” Both answers are perfect. The …

grateful for Austin

Feeling Grateful for a Great Year for Austin’s Parks

AustinParksFoundationCity Budget, APF News, People + Parks, Park Advocacy, 2018 Success Stories

2018 proved to be a great year for parks advocacy! Park advocates and APF Board and staff worked hard on issues like the 2018 bond development and election, Austin’s annual budget, raising the profile of parks issues for City Council candidates, and more. In the spirit of gratitude and giving thanks – here’s a look back at all we were …

IMPD volunteers at Festival Beach

Thank you to our It’s My Park Day Fall 2018 Volunteers!

It's My Park! Day
, It's My Park Day, People + Parks, It's My Park Day - Through the Years

A big thank you to all of our IMPD volunteers for helping make It’s My Park Day such a success! The over 2,000 volunteers helped contribute more than $162,000 worth of labor to our city parks, trails and preserves. We couldn’t have made this event happen without all of them, so from the entire Austin Parks Foundation board and staff – …

People + Parks: Adventurous Ambassador

People + Parks
, People + Parks

By Elizabeth McGuire Jennifer Ramos got hooked on hiking when she realized that it nudged her out of her comfort zone and into places she might not otherwise experience.   This growing passion led to trail clean-ups, park projects, and eventually a role as an APF Ambassador. To her surprise she found that volunteering mirrored hiking in at least one …

Group under new shade structure at Gullett School Park with a thank you banner

Project Playback: Shade Structure at Gullett School Park

AustinParksFoundationNeighborhood Grants, Project Playback, APF News, People + Parks, Completed Projects (Our Impact), Featured Parks

Austin Parks Foundation helped fund the new shade structure at Gullett School Park, in partnership with the Adopt-A-Park group, the Gullett PTA.  Premiering with a ribbon cutting ceremony last week, the shade structure over the playground at Gullett Elementary now allows kids to play year-round. The Gullett PTA, which is also the Adopt-A-Park group for the park, saw how the …

People + Parks: Volunteer of the Year

AustinParksFoundationParks, People + Parks, 
People + Parks

By Elizabeth McGuire Daniela Nunez was raised in a few different parts of central Austin, but no matter the neighborhood, she always had easy access to parks and loved growing up in these green spaces. So when she bought a home in a north Austin neighborhood that lacked nearby parkland, she was determined to help bring one to the area. …

People + Parks: Turning Grief into Goodness

People + Parks
, Support Our Parks, People + Parks

By Elizabeth McGuire When faced with a mountain of grief, one couple found a way to move through it with the help of their friends and their parks. Alexandra Rodriguez and Christopher McBryde are the kind of dog owners who every pup deserves. In 2012 they rescued a 3-month-old Australian cattle dog, and from then on Bailey rarely left their …

People + Parks: Veteran Volunteer, at Age 12

It's My Park! Day
, National Public Lands Day
, Parks, 
People + Parks
, Volunteer, APF News, It's My Park Day, People + Parks, Children's Programming, National Trails Day

by Elizabeth McGuire Like many kids, 12-year-old Kei Yarbrough grew up in parks—climbing on playscapes and running around with friends—but she also spent her early years at those same parks picking up trash and mulching trees. She is quick to say that all of it was fun. Since she was four years old, Kei has been volunteering for parks-related events …

Julie Sondecker

People + Parks: Keeping Austin Clean, One Day at a Time

AustinParksFoundationPark Advocacy, Featured Top LPs, Parks, 
People + Parks
, Volunteer, Adopt A Park, People + Parks

By Elizabeth McGuire For the last 337 days, Austin’s green spaces have been cleaner than ever before. That’s because Julie Sondecker, creator of Instagram’s @365DaysofHiking, has been picking up trash in parks and on trails every single day since May 30, 2017. During her daily outings, she fills her signature blue mesh bag, artfully arranges the trash in a beautiful …

People + Parks: Local Support and Global Wisdom

AustinParksFoundationParks, Support Our Parks, APF News, People + Parks Leave a Comment

By Elizabeth McGuire If you were planning an expansive, open-ended trip to the other side of the globe, how would you spend your last days at home? Tying up loose ends? Buying supplies? Saying goodbye to friends? Triple-checking your passport and flight details? If you were Eric Nichols you would be raising money for a treasured hometown organization. This past …