It’s My Park Day – Wooldridge and Republic Squares

AustinParksFoundationIt's My Park Day, Volunteer, Parks Leave a Comment

We had a downtown squares double-header for It’s My Park Day – we spent the morning at Wooldridge (officially 100 years old!) spreading 46 cubic yards of mulch around all of the big trees, as well as bare spots and also began the process of scraping and sanding down the railings on the gazebo for a big paint job to begin later this spring.  Mayor Lee Leffingwell thanked our 80 volunteers for helping out and then grabbed a shovel and started piling mulch into a wheelbarrow. We had over an hour of music too from the Inside Out Steel Band which made our task a little easier!  Our thanks to Mark Holzbach and Michael McGill who sheparded our efforts there.

At Republic Square in the afternoon, we planted over 1600 plants – mostly native grasses, low mounding flowering plants and some yuccas.  Lots of digging and the ground was really hard in spots (owing to the Square’s previous life as a parking lot!)  But we got them all in – our tremendous thanks to Kim Mizner and Jacob Walker, along with Daniel Woodroffe, who coordinated the planting.

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