Taking Care of What We’ve Got: Important Maintenance in Austin’s Parks

AustinParksFoundationAdvocacy 2019, Advocacy - Annual Report 2019, City Budget, Featured - Nav (Our Work), Featured - Nav (Fund Your Park), Featured - Nav (Explore the Parks), 
, APF News, Park Advocacy

Memorial Day is just around the corner, and that means it’s time for picnics in the park, hanging by the pool, and all the outdoor fun that summer brings. To have all of that fun though, our parks and pools need to be taken care of. A perfect example is the Barton Creek Greenbelt, an Austin favorite, that will be …

APF CEO in front of Austin City Council for new budget

City Passes New Budget with Increased Funds to Parks

AustinParksFoundationUncategorized, APF News, Park Advocacy

Austin’s Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) is set to get much-needed funding! City Council formally adopted the new budget for next fiscal year on Tuesday, September 11th. This includes recommendations from City Manager Spencer Cronk and additional funding for recycling in parks and building maintenance. All told, there’s nearly $12.5 million in additional funding for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-2019 compared to FY …

Advocacy Update: Budget Town Hall Dates Announced

AustinParksFoundationSupport Our Parks, Park Advocacy

City Council and key city leaders want to hear from you about your thoughts and priorities for the city budget! New this year to the budget development process are town halls in each district attended by that district’s City Council Member, new City Manager Spencer Cronk, and Deputy Chief Finance Officer Ed Van Eenoo. We know that parks are a …