People + Parks: Small Steps, Big Results at Kendra Page Park

People + Parks
, Neighborhood Grants, South

by Elizabeth McGuire Rene Hernandez set out to change a park, but in the process changed a community. A year ago, Hernandez was walking his dog through Kendra Page Neighborhood Park, his southeast Austin park, and noticed an excessive amount of trash. Not just everyday wrappers and soda cans, but bags and bags of household trash dumped among the oaks, …

Project Playback: Renovating Barton Hills Community Park

AustinParksFoundationParks, Community Grants, Project Playback, APF News, Central, Completed Projects (Our Impact), ACL Music Festival Grants, ACL Grants Landing Page, Park Development

Barton Hills Community Park opened along with the adjacent elementary school in 1964. Over the course of the next 50 years, only minor improvements were made until the Friends of Barton Hills Community Park stepped up to make a difference for their neighborhood’s park. In December of 2012, the Austin Parks and Recreation Department approved their Park Master Plan to …