Austin Parks Foundation Awards Over $180,000 In 2019 Spring Grants & Park Design Services

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AUSTIN, TEXAS (July 2, 2019) Austin Parks Foundation (APF) announced their 2019 spring grantees that will receive over $180,400 in collective funding to improve various Austin parks, trails, and green spaces across 5 districts. Projects include the creation of trails, installation of park amenities and more. Additional information on the specific park improvement projects and grant recipients can be found below.

“We are grateful to be a part of the impact that these community initiated projects have on individual neighborhoods and the greater Austin area. The commitment by dedicated Adopt-A-Park leaders to improving these community assets for the generations to follow is inspiring and the driving factor of this program.”

Ladye Anne Wofford
Chief Mission Officer
Austin Parks Foundation

Austin Parks Foundation Community Grants - Spring 2019

In total, APF is giving $180,400 in community grants and park design services for the Foundation’s spring cycle to the following parks and green spaces:

  • South Duncan Park/9th St BMX ($46,500) - Installation of park amenities including an informational kiosk, bicycle repair station, additional seating, landscaping/tree planting and a new art sculpture.
  • Country Club Creek Greenbelt ($34,650) - Creation of a trailhead with a kiosk for a new hike & bike trail in South East Austin.
  • Highland Park ($30,000) - Installation of water fountain, picnic tables, and additional demolition of old infrastructure. This is phase one of The Master Plan with the Parks and Recreation Department.
  • MLK Station Park ($10,750) - Perimeter fencing around St. David's Foundation Community Gardens and Sustainable Food Center Teaching Garden to create separation between the gardens and Eastlink.
  • South Austin Neighborhood Park ($30,000) - Creation of a walking trail, which will be the first phase one of a larger project.
  • UMLAUF Sculpture Garden & Museum ($28,500) - Collection tank and equipment to help with water conservation.

Austin Parks Foundation Park Design Services - Spring 2019

  • Little Walnut Creek Greenbelt Detailed Park Design - Playscape, outdoor classroom, restrooms, dog park, fitness and game tables.
  • Scenic Brook Neighborhood Park  for Park Master Planning

As the anchor of APF’s ACL Music Festival Grants Programs, Community Grants are intended for larger community-initiated physical park improvement projects that require between $5,000 and $50,000 in funding like signage installations, trail building and planning, physical improvements and maintenance. The grants have been awarded since 2006 but became offered twice a year in 2017. Since inception, APF has donated over $3 million to Austin’s park system through Community Grants. 

The deadline for the APF Impact Grant, an annual grant of $100,000 to support large, community-initiated, physical park improvements, is October 30. The deadline for Fall Community Grants and Design Services applications is September 30.

All potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a grants information class prior to applying. Classes are held throughout the year; for upcoming sessions, visit the online calendar. Learn more and apply for the Austin Parks Foundation's ACL Music Festival Park Grants Program here!

About Austin Parks Foundation

Founded in 1992, Austin Parks Foundation (APF) is dedicated to partnering with our community to enhance people’s lives by making our public parks, trails and green spaces better through volunteerism, innovative programming, advocacy, and financial support.

APF is focused on creating equitable access to great parks for all Austinites and helps fill the City’s funding and resource gap in order to develop and maintain Austin’s 300+ parks. APF fosters unique public/private partnerships and, since 2006, has given over $3 million in community-initiated grants in service to the greater Austin community.

APF is known for its annual flagship volunteer event, It’s My Park Day, and is a presenting partner and beneficiary of the popular Austin City Limits Music Festival at Zilker Metropolitan Park. For more information, please visit