S2E13 High Quality Living: A Conversation with 3 of Austin’s Quality of Life Commission Chairs

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Today we are excited to bring you a conversation with the Chairs of three City of Austin Quality of Life Commissions, with a focus on how parks, trails, green spaces, and public places impact Austinites’ quality of life. We hope you’ll learn about the role these commissions play in learning from, engaging with, and advocating for Austin’s diverse communities.

Our guests for this discussion are Daryl Horton, Chair of the African American Quality of Life Commission, Kathryn Gonzalez, Chair of the LGBTQIA+ Quality of Life Commission, and Kirk Yoshida, Chair of the Asian American Quality of Life Commission. You can stay informed about and engaged in their work through austintexas.gov/department/quality-life, where you can find useful updates and directly contact members.


1. Volunteer events are back!

Check out Austin Parks Foundation's event calendar for available volunteer opportunities in a park near you. We can't wait to help our parks with y'all!

2. Did you know APF has a merch store?

Visit shop.austinparks.org to get some awesome gear or apparel for your next park adventure!

Want to help shape the future of Zilker Park?

Your opinion matters! Check out the Zilker Vision Plan and let your voice be heard.


Music & transitions provided by Honey Son. Check out his music on Spotify and YouTube!