Taking Care of What We’ve Got: Important Maintenance in Austin’s Parks

AustinParksFoundationAdvocacy - Annual Report 2019, Advocacy 2019, Park Advocacy, Featured - Nav (Our Work), APF News, 
, City Budget, Featured - Nav (Explore the Parks), Featured - Nav (Fund Your Park)

Memorial Day is just around the corner, and that means it’s time for picnics in the park, hanging by the pool, and all the outdoor fun that summer brings. To have all of that fun though, our parks and pools need to be taken care of. A perfect example is the Barton Creek Greenbelt, an Austin favorite, that will be …

HB 2 & SB 2 Are Bad For Austin’s Parks, Trails and Green Spaces

AustinParksFoundationCity Budget, 
, APF News, Park Advocacy, Advocacy 2019

Simply put, House Bill 2 & Senate Bill 2 (or HB 2 & SB 2) are bad news for Austin’s public parks. In exchange for small property tax relief for homeowners estimated at a few dollars per month, municipalities will face a budgetary crisis. The bill will cause an out-sized negative impact towards their ability to provide services central to …

Community Budget Forums: Austin Parks Need Your Help!

AustinParksFoundationPress Release, City Budget, Support Our Parks, APF News, Park Advocacy

Our parks and Austin Parks Foundation need your help! The City of Austin’s annual budget process is kicking off with a series of community budget forums hosted by City Commissions throughout March. Commissioners will hear what’s important to the public, and how we’d like to see funding prioritized in next year’s city budget. They will then incorporate the feedback into recommendations …

People + Parks: The Amplifier

People + Parks
, Volunteer, Community Grants, Adopt A Park, People + Parks, Park Advocacy

By Elizabeth McGuire We’ve all heard this before: one person can make a difference. But really, how? One person can make a difference because one voice can amplify others. One person can inspire dozens. One effort can snowball into action and eventually lead to change. This is how our community improves. So goes the philosophy of Sally Baulch, who has …

Connect With Your Council Member

AustinParksFoundationPark Advocacy, Support Our Parks

While elected officials can feel distant and unresponsive at the national and state level, citizens can have a significant effect on their elected official’s views and votes at the local level. This is even more true in recent years in Austin, where the city voted in 2014 to change from an at-large Council system to a 10-1 district representation system …

Advocacy Update: Budget Town Hall Dates Announced

AustinParksFoundationPark Advocacy, Support Our Parks

City Council and key city leaders want to hear from you about your thoughts and priorities for the city budget! New this year to the budget development process are town halls in each district attended by that district’s City Council Member, new City Manager Spencer Cronk, and Deputy Chief Finance Officer Ed Van Eenoo. We know that parks are a …

Advocacy Update: How does the 2018 Bond work?

AustinParksFoundationParks, Support Our Parks, Park Advocacy Leave a Comment

Every five to six years, Austin voters have been asked whether or not they will approve the city to issue general obligation bonds. These bonds fund capital improvement projects in areas such as parks & open space, cultural centers & museums, libraries, fire & police stations, affordable housing, stormwater infrastructure and transportation. The Bond Election Advisory Task Force (BEATF) is …

12 Ways to be Involved in Austin’s Parks in 2018

AustinParksFoundationParks Leave a Comment

Looking for some exciting ways to get involved in Austin’s Parks this year? Check out these 12 involvement opportunities: 1. Movies in the Park Austin Parks Foundation puts on a series of movies in parks around Austin! While the schedule hasn’t yet been announced, you don’t have to wait long. Check back in February for a full calendar including titles, …

Support the Parks at City of Austin Budget Hearings

AustinParksFoundationPark Advocacy, Support Our Parks, City Budget Leave a Comment

Austin Parks and Recreation currently needs $700 million to repair and renovate parks City of Austin budget hearings are approaching, and APF needs help telling City Council that the parks are in need. According to ParkScore, Austin is ranked #46 and currently spends $103 per resident, while cities in the top ten spend an average of $208. Austinites have enjoyed …

People + Parks: Advocacy in Action

AustinParksFoundationPark Advocacy, People + Parks, Adopt A Park, It's My Park Day, APF News, Support Our Parks, Volunteer, Parks, City Budget Leave a Comment

By Elizabeth McGuire In one of the oldest neighborhoods in Austin, a team of stewards is working to preserve their park and to inspire others to follow suit in their own neighborhoods. Three leaders of Friends of Shipe Park—Jill Nokes, Alison Young and Mark Fishman—have worked with Austin Parks Foundation and countless volunteers to keep Shipe a vibrant, healthy, resilient …