Colony Park District Park: A Premiere Green Space on Austin’s East Side

AustinParksFoundationPark Development, Colony Park District Park, Featured - Nav (Our Work), Featured - Nav (Fund Your Park), Featured - Nav (Explore the Parks), Fitness in the Park, APF News, East, East Austin Parks (Featured)

After decades of advocacy and a full master plan for the neighborhood, residents of Colony Park are receiving funding and project coordination from Austin Parks Foundation, the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department and St. David’s Foundation to develop a premier park in the growing District 1 community. In 2016, the Park Master Planning process began and was implemented …

People + Parks: Healthy Parks, Healthy City

People + Parks
, Volunteer, People + Parks, Children's Programming

By Elizabeth McGuire When Elizabeth Krause moved to Austin three years ago, she and her family began their house hunting by visiting parks all over town. “Having young children, it was just a natural criteria for me,” she said. “A big part of why we settled in our current neighborhood was because of its proximity to green spaces, playgrounds and …