Thank you, Austin, for Making IMPD – At A Distance a Great Success

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It's My Park! Day
, Volunteer, It's My Park Day

In a year where a lot of things are uncertain, y’all made it clear that Austin’s parks, trails and green spaces are important. It’s My Park Day – At A Distance was a great success thanks to the 850+ Austinites that helped our city’s outdoor spaces. Thank you for all your support. We’re also grateful to all of the City …

Labor of Love: Thousands of Volunteers Help Parks on It’s My Park Day

AustinParksFoundationVolunteer, It's My Park Day, All Parks, Featured Top LPs, Blog Page, 
It's My Park! Day
, It's My Park Day - Through the Years

On March 7th, Austinites woke up bright and early, headed to 110 different parks across our city and selflessly gave their time and labor. 4,000 volunteers showed our parks love by cleaning, planting, weeding, mulching, gardening, painting and so much more. All in one day! This was by far the most It’s My Park Day participants ever. We’ve come to …

Park Partners: It’s My Park Day Volunteers Show Out for Parks Across Austin

AustinParksFoundationAPF News, 
It's My Park! Day
, Volunteer, It's My Park Day - Through the Years

On Saturday morning, 3,000 volunteers dedicated their morning to serving their favorite parks. We want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who and made It’s My Park Day a huge success. The entire Austin Parks Foundation Staff & Board are so grateful, and we’re counting down the days, hours, and minutes until IMPD Spring 2020. We hope to …

Election Day Tips + Voting to Help Austin & Texas Parks

, Support Our Parks, APF News, Park Advocacy, Education

Voting season. It’s here, y’all. Whether you’re voting early or heading to the polls on Tuesday, November 5th, we’ve created this helpful guide to make your trip a success! Added bonus: you can make a difference with your vote for both Texas State Parks as well as parks, trails and green spaces in the city of Austin! Where to Vote …

Valuable Volunteers: It’s My Park Day Volunteers Making an Impact for Austin Parks

It's My Park! Day
, It's My Park Day - Through the Years, APF News, Volunteer

On a chilly Saturday morning, 3,000 volunteers bundled up and flocked to their local parks. We want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who braved the cold and made It’s My Park Day a huge success. The entire Austin Parks Foundation Staff & Board are so grateful, and we’re counting down the days, hours, and minutes until IMPD Fall 2019. We …

Thanks to our Volunteers for It’s My Park Day 2008

AustinParksFoundationVolunteer, It's My Park Day - Through the Years, It's My Park Day Leave a Comment

The sixth annual It’s My Park! Day was Saturday, April 12 and we had a record 51 park improvement projects with 1,400 volunteers signed up.  We’re getting back reports of actual numbers, but in the meantime, we wanted to begin sharing the many pictures that we are receiving – check them out on our Flickr Page