Thank you, Austin, for Making IMPD – At A Distance a Great Success

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It's My Park! Day
, Volunteer, It's My Park Day

In a year where a lot of things are uncertain, y’all made it clear that Austin’s parks, trails and green spaces are important. It’s My Park Day – At A Distance was a great success thanks to the 850+ Austinites that helped our city’s outdoor spaces. Thank you for all your support. We’re also grateful to all of the City …

Labor of Love: Thousands of Volunteers Help Parks on It’s My Park Day

AustinParksFoundationVolunteer, It's My Park Day, All Parks, Featured Top LPs, Blog Page, 
It's My Park! Day
, It's My Park Day - Through the Years

On March 7th, Austinites woke up bright and early, headed to 110 different parks across our city and selflessly gave their time and labor. 4,000 volunteers showed our parks love by cleaning, planting, weeding, mulching, gardening, painting and so much more. All in one day! This was by far the most It’s My Park Day participants ever. We’ve come to …