Full view of new Odom Park playscape

Odom School Park Project Nearly Complete

AustinParksFoundationParks, Special Projects Leave a Comment

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Adopt-A-Park Featured Park: Dittmar District Park

AustinParksFoundationAdopt A Park, Parks Leave a Comment

Dittmar District Park: Everything for Everyone Dittmar District Park is a South Austin park with many amenities. Despite being so close to larger parks such as Mary Moore Searight and Onion Creek, Dittmar stands out. The recreation center at Dittmar offers many class options for children and adults. Along with these classes, the park also provides a neighborhood gym for …

Project Playback: ACL Grant Helps Austin Wildflower Meadows

AustinParksFoundationProject Playback, Parks Leave a Comment

Wildflower meadows help Austin to decrease its carbon footprint, while also creating beautiful open spaces Neighborhood grants in both 2016 and 2017 were awarded to the Wildflower Meadow Group, dedicated to increasing the amount of wildflower land in Austin. In total, $9,950 has been awarded over the two years. From the 2016 grant alone, 4 wildflower meadows were seeded at …

Project Playback: Ponciana Park Opens Public Playground

AustinParksFoundationProject Playback, Parks Leave a Comment

Southeast Austin park adds playground thanks to grant from APF Located in the Dove Springs neighborhood in Southeast Austin, Ponciana Park was underused by people in the neighborhood due to lack of a playground area. In September 2014, Friends of Ponciana Park applied for and were awarded a $50,000 grant to be applied towards building a playground. Their hopes were that …

People + Parks: Aiming High

AustinParksFoundationParks, Adopt A Park, People + Parks, Park Advocacy Leave a Comment

By Elizabeth McGuire Steps away from an elementary school, whose mission is to encourage big dreams and possibilities, resides a park that once fell far short of its own potential. But not anymore. Thanks to a tireless group of neighborhood volunteers, Odom School Park in South Austin has seen nearly $45,000 worth of improvements in the last three years — …

A New Playscape is Coming Soon to Dove Springs District Park

AustinParksFoundationSpecial Projects, Parks Leave a Comment

Austin Parks Foundation (APF) and Austin Parks and Recreation (PARD) have formed a partnership to actively lead the design and installation of an innovative playscape and nature pathways for Dove Springs District Park. This focused effort is the result of a St. David’s grant award to APF and with the assistance of the Natural Learning Initiative (NLI), the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), …

Auction Oaks @ Republic Square Project in Statesman

AustinParksFoundationSpecial Projects, APF News, Parks Leave a Comment

In the Saturday, November 24th edition of the Austin American-Statesman, Sarah Coppola writes about our upcoming project to restore the Auction Oaks area of Republic Square. Read the story here. Not mentioned directly in the story but I do want to point out is the great work of TBG Partners, especially TBG Partners principal Daniel Woodroofe and great help from …