Park Neighbors As Local Experts: How We Approach Community Engagement

AustinParksFoundationFeatured Projects (Home Page), Parks, Featured Top LPs, Blog Page, Parks Equity

At Austin Parks Foundation, we believe that the people who know best about the needs of their parks are those who live near the park! Your perspective as a neighbor and stakeholder provides valuable insight about park priorities. Our community engagement efforts are therefore centered around ensuring that the public is included in the decision-making during park improvement projects and …

Fairmont Austin Invests in Parks + Trails that Make Austin, Austin

AustinParksFoundationVolunteer, Blog Page, Sponsors

When people visit Austin, they expect live music, excellent food and to take in the city’s natural beauty. Fairmont Austin recognizes that parks, trails and green spaces are big part of the Austin experience. They’ve put their money where their mouth is by sponsoring Austin Parks Foundation and participating in volunteer events like It’s My Park Day! We’re so grateful …

Thank you, Austin, for Making IMPD – At A Distance a Great Success

It's My Park! Day
, Volunteer, It's My Park Day, All Parks, Featured Top LPs, Blog Page, It's My Park Day - Through the Years

In a year where a lot of things are uncertain, y’all made it clear that Austin’s parks, trails and green spaces are important. It’s My Park Day – At A Distance was a great success thanks to the 850+ Austinites that helped our city’s outdoor spaces. Thank you for all your support. We’re also grateful to all of the City …

The Summer Heat is Gone! 6 Park Escapes for Austin’s Cooler Weather

AustinParksFoundationFeatured Parks, Featured - Nav (Explore the Parks), Fitness in the Park, Parks, Community Grants, All Parks, ACL Music Festival Grants, Hiking & Trails, Blog Page, EastLink

Now that we’re past the intense Summer heat, it’s the perfect time to visit Austin’s parks and trails, while staying safe! Whether you want to hike for a few miles or find a nice spot for lunch – the park people at Austin Parks Foundation made this list of park escapes to help you recharge and unwind.1. Commons Ford Ranch …

People + Parks: Celebrating the History of the Train at Zilker Park

People + Parks
, Featured Top LPs, Blog Page, Zilker Train, Groundbreakers

The Zilker Train has been an Austinite favorite for almost 60 years. Here at Austin Parks Foundation, we couldn’t be more excited to bring a new mini train to Zilker Park in 2021. Don’t forget to participate in the final round of voting to name the new Zilker Train before November 15, 2020! We think it’s important (and fun!) to …

Honoring our Adopt-A-Park Team of the Year: Brentwood Park

AustinParksFoundationFeatured Projects (Home Page), Adopt A Park, Blog Page, Golden Shovel Awards

Brentwood Park has had a dedicated park adoption team for so long that it goes back before recorded history – APF history, anyway. You can count on Friends of Brentwood Park to run an It’s My Park Day project twice a year, every single year, and round up the best taco and coffee donations from neighborhood businesses to treat their …

How Your Vote Can Help Austin’s Trails and Clean Transportation in 2020

AustinParksFoundationFeatured Projects (Home Page), City Budget, Parks, Support Our Parks, APF News, Park Advocacy, Blog Page

On August 13th, Austin City Council took a historic step to expand Austin’s trail system. CM Paige Ellis led City Council to add a $460 million safe mobility bond to the ballot in November! Included in this bond is the single largest contribution to Austin’s trails system in history, with $80 million dedicated to building out Austin’s Tier 1 Urban …

Gardening 101: How to Start Your Own Garden at Home!

AustinParksFoundationUncategorized, Featured Projects (Home Page), 
, Children's Programming, Blog Page, COVID-19

Written by Ladye Anne Wofford, former Chief Mission Officer at Austin Parks Foundation With so many of us spending more time at home, this is a great opportunity to get your very own garden started! If you’re a new gardener, you’re in luck! Austin has ample resources to get you started off on the right foot. Fall in Central Texas …

Victory at City Hall: Essential Funds for Parks Added to the City Budget

AustinParksFoundationFeatured Projects (Home Page), 
, APF News, All Parks, Park Advocacy, Park Development, Park History, Blog Page, COVID-19

It’s been a tough year for Austin’s parks. Already perennially underfunded, Austin’s parks and trails systems have been inundated, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Tens of thousands of new users, overwhelming some of Austin’s most beloved parks, have taken their toll. Whether it be habitat degradation, increased littering and pollution, or just the daily wear and tear from thousands of visitors, …

Preservation Motivation: Investing in Austin’s Nature Preserves

AustinParksFoundationBlog Page, Project Playback, Special Projects

Since our inception, Austin Parks Foundation (APF) has been focused on protecting and preserving Austin’s public green spaces. With over 2,200 acres of Nature Preserves, Austin is blessed to have these pristine escapes right here in our city. Below are just a few of the preserves the City of Austin’s Parks & Recreation Dept. (PARD) manages that APF has had …